When the Triplets hit the News

In the absence of having a post written by myself ready, I thought I’d cheat. The above photo (I love it!) was taken on the 27th of October and published the next day in our local newspaper. Here’s the article: (minus pertinent information such as triplet names and our surname!)

THE newest additions to the rapidly growing family T are living proof that the best things come in threes.
Caitlin and Alex brought home triplets Tuesday after a complication-free birth at St Vincent’s Hospital.
The recent arrivals have boosted the family T to five kids, including their first daughter.
“We were kind of hoping for a girl, but would have been happy with five boys,” Mrs T said.
“Luckily, we’ve already got an army of helpers signed up.”
The babies were delivered three weeks ago by St Vincent’s Hospital’s new paediatrician Dr N.
Despite arriving six weeks early, the triplets were in perfect health, each weighing just over two kilograms.
“I’ve never delivered triplets before – lots of twins and lots of premature babies, but this was a first for me,” Dr N said.
“They were very good sizes and healthy, and it’s always nice to see the babies go home with their parents.”
Doting grandfather was rounding up the triplets’ energetic older brothers 2 and 5.
“My wife and I will be doing a lot of babysitting over the next few years,” he said.
“But I think they’re just the most wonderful things in the world.”
Mr Y said it was a shock when his band of grandkids suddenly jumped from seven to 10 members.
“My wife and I are as tickled pink as they come,” he said.
Mrs T said the staff at St Vincent’s Hospital had helped her through every step of the process.
“Dr N has been fantastic,” she said.
“Having a female doctor really makes a difference – nothing against male doctors, but as a mother herself, she notices a lot of things they might not.”

I was rather mortified at being quoted for the final comment. I mean it’s true, but I didn’t want to sound like she was a good dr just because she’s a Mum, it’s rather condescending. Anyway despite the fact that it was obvious I was back peddaling as I said it, it was published! Dr G. (when he returned home from his overseas jaunt. Still wish he’d been around for the triplet’s birth!) had a chuckle that a paed was given credit for ‘delivering’ the baby.

This is the photo that was on the front page of the paper directing readers to the article on page 3.

And here are some other images that were taken on the day.

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  1. Great article! Lovely photos too! (Just one more surname to change to ‘T’ and you’re good.)

    I would love to stick my head in the door on Sunday morning as I know it’s going to be a special day! I have a date with the keyboard at my own church though, and will wait to see if you do a blog post on it!

  2. Awesome!! We were in the paper but only in our small town paper, not the “big” one.
    It was still fun to be noticed. Congrats on such a sweet article.

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