Triplets Monthly Photo Project – Months 4,5,6.

Can you remember that my friend Linda and I were doing a monthly photo project? I was inspired by John and Sherry’s photos of their beautiful daughter over at Young House Life. So when I was preggers with the bubs, I made the call out to my friends who knew more about photography than moi, and hey presto, Linda took up the challenge.

You may have thought we had given up since there has been nothing posted since Month 3, but no sirree, we have not. It’s just that Linda has been an ultra busy lady given that it’s been Easter, and she is one of the key ingredients in organising a huge event in our city called Easterfest.

Despite her busyness, Linda has been dropping in and clicking off some rounds of the trio and then going back to work, work, work. Now that Easter is over and she’s (kind of) recovered, she’s been able to edit the pictures in bulk.

So without further ado, let me show you exactly how much my adorables have grown.

To look closer at the last 3 months. Firstly there was Month Four. Since it was January, the babies are on a fabric featuring an Aboriginal print to celebrate Australia Day. We were pretty chuffed that they all simultaneously looked at the camera for the first time.

Month Five arrived and the babies were puking with renewed energy. Normally I take the bibs off at the last moment to photograph. (I’m so looking forward to when we can ditch the bibs forever.) It just wasn’t happening this month, so in the end, as a reminder of what the month was like, the babies are photographed in their appropriate coloured bib. To make up for being puke machines, the bubs all razzle dazzled us with beaming smiles. It was only appropriate that Linda was the first one to capture all three smiles on film at the one time.

And then there was last month. Month Six. Aren’t they growing ever so much? And look with their extra maturity, they look so very organised neatly in a row! The babies have a bit of an owl theme going on in their nursery, so the fabric in the last two months feature owls. For this month, they triplets are sporting very fetching owl body suits that their great aunts lovingly had screen printed for them and given to us at my baby shower.
So, what do you think? Cute, eh?
Keep hanging around the next few days, because as a part of the project we also photographed them in my leather tub chair. I can’t wait to share these pictures with you also, so hopefully I’ll get a chance to upload them soon. (Update: Click here to see.)

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  1. I think I may die of Cute! Funny – I noticed the legs too – probably because Crazy Sister and I give birth to scrawny little babies with what may be skinnier legs than your 1-month-olds’, then we watch in amazement as they grow all chubby and ‘nommable’.

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