Triplet Pregnancy Journal – Week 23

Week 23
Well, this is the week where I feel I have officially been forced to slow down.  On the Friday, (by the way, if you are wondering, my new week of pregnancy starts on the Thursday), I was starting to get pains in my lower abdomen. It kind of felt like a very bad stitch after you’ve done a big run. We have started getting a lady to clean for two hours on a Friday to help take some reduce some of the housework load. It is also a good thing so the boys can get to know her before the triplet’s arrive because she will be helping us three days a week doing in home care. This Friday I got her to do the vacuuming (the floors were atrocious as I haven’t been doing them), and I’d been going around picking stuff up off the floor.
I soon started feeling a bit of pain, I had overdone it, so I sat down doing other jobs for an hour while she mopped, etc. J Boy was at kindy, so as soon as she left I put Trent into bed and went to bed myself. Amazingly, Toddler T, who normally sleeps for an hour, slept for 2 ½ hours. Unfortunately when we both got up I still had the pains. That’s a bit unusual, because normally when I have a rest things ease up. I thought, just to be on the safe side I’d ring the doctor and make sure this was OK. He basically said keep resting and hopefully it will settle down, if it doesn’t I was to ring his mobile and he was going to admit me to hospital to rest up.
That was motivation enough for me to get back into bed. If all I was going to do in hospital was rest, I’d much prefer to do that at home. I rang Mum to ask if she could pick up Toddler T. She was in town, but within minutes Dad appeared on my doorstep. My wonderful parents are very committed to ensuring that their newest grandchildren make an appearance as late as possible. I’m very grateful that my sons have such a strong and beautiful relationship with their grandparents. Toddler T had no hesitation suddenly leaving with Grandad and waved enthusiastically as he drove away.
Things were much improved by the end of the day. The Accountant and I had organised an overnight getaway to Brisbane on Saturday night, and since things had settled down the next day, we decided to commit to our original plans. We left the two boys with The Accountant’s mother. I was a little nervous because it was my first night away from Toddler T, but he seemed to have coped very well.
It was a lovely evening away. We decided to be extravagant and went Aria and had a wonderful table overlooking the Brisbane River. It’s been a little dream of mine to go there since watching Matt Moran on Masterchef and hearing that he’d opened a restaurant so close to where we live.

Luckily our luxury hotel was a three minute walk away. I didn’t want to tempt fate by overexerting myself, so a leisurely stroll was ideal. We certainly don’t frequent fine dining restaurants frequently, but we figured that our dining out experiences are going to diminish for quite some time, so we may as well have a strong memory of our ‘last supper’ before the triplets arrive. And for sure, the meal is certainly the most memorable that I’ve ever consumed. Even the service was fantastic, the staff were friendly and very attentive. Spending time alone with my super hubby without the children was pretty special also.

We had a trip to Ikea before heading home. We were particularly searching for more storage for the triplet’s room. We found 2 possible candidates. The first was a darling little set of wall shelves. But alas, when A went to get them, he discovered they had been sold out. The second was a set of drawers. However when we considered the layout of the room, combined with the fact that we didn’t know how big the cots are and how they are going to fit, so we chickened out. We walked away with a few little bits and pieces and contented with our Ikea experience, despite not achieving our goal. It certainly is a challenge fitting three babies and all their paraphernalia into one small room.
Dr G rang up to check on me on Monday.  He gave me a little lecture on not doing too much and getting help with the children. He has warned me that as far as hospital goes, it’s not if I have to go, it’s when. I’m determined that as far as I can help it, I will do anything to stay out of hospital as long as possible in order for things to be as easy as possible on the boys. So, on Monday and Tuesday the boys spent time with me in the morning and went with Grandma after lunch. I was very appreciative to Mum, she was planning a baby shower for the weekend, and she was really quite ill.

On Wednesday I kept the boys. I was exhausted by the end of the day. Toddler T is chucking a lot of tantrums at the moment and J Boy has still been having several obstinate moments.

On a brighter note, we had a positive doctor’s appointment. The babies are doing well. I tell you, even though I can feel them moving, and I think they are all OK, it’s such a feeling of relief when you see those three heartbeats beating on the ultrasound. Dr. G has renamed the babies! Triplet 1, the fraternal triplet, (formerly Triplet 3), is the largest of the three, with growth tracking a week ahead of schedule. Triplet 2 (no name change) is right on schedule with growth and size. The other identical, Triplet 3, (formerly Triplet 1), is still the smallest, more significantly than before. T3 is now at least a week behind his age range. Dr. G assures us that there is nothing for us to be concerned about yet though, so that is a relief.

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  1. Aaannd, I guess that means that the sex of triplet 2 is out of the bag? Oh forgive us, we are all SO excited to be following your journey with you!

    If you do go in and change things, just delete our comments Caitlin!

  2. It’s a semi-secret. I told the people who were going to the baby shower. However, hubby didn’t want to tell, so I haven’t been telling people when they ask and trying not to tell the internet, although I slip up every time I write a pregnancy journal, because I write it for myself first and then (try to) delete all the names and gender references. Because so many people were told who went to the baby shower, I don’t expect it will stay a secret, but I’ve just decided I’m not talking about it to everyone until hubby starts to, and so far he hasn’t!

  3. Kirsty Said . . .
    Loved reading your update, your a great writer – it is all such a miracle. So impressed you went for a swish night on the town. Think of you often.

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