Superhero Cape made by Not Quite Super Mum.

Well my second new year ambition is underway! Throughout this week I made a reversible superhero cape for my nephew for his birthday. The J Bomb was a very willing model and has given it a test run and is glad to report it’s flying capabilities are fantastic provided you have a good imagination. (Pardon the mess surrounding the model, but I have admitted to not being a good housewife.)

I saw this little number last year at Serving Pink Lemonade and filed it away in my mind as a good project if I ever got motivated. Motivated I am at the moment, so I thought I would make a homemade inclusion in my nephew’s birthday present to be sent off this week.

All the instructions can be found at the above link, if you are also feeling inspired. It was quite easy to make, and I think I shall make a few year throughout the year. The J Bomb would love one of his own, and I can’t wait to make a pink number for a friends little girl.

The good thing about showing off on a blog is that you can’t pick it up and see my wonky sewing. Luckily, the five year old that will become the proud owner shouldn’t be too picky. Also thankfully my sister-in-law isn’t the judgemental type so I’ve no problem with it being viewed with disdain by a mother who considers herself to possess super capabilities. (We all know those super Mum’s are out there.)

The J Bomb was very keen to supervise the whole process, so I had to sew with him leaning in and watching the machine with great interest.

(Don’t you love my makeshift clothesline on the back of the chair?)

 Some of minor changes I made were:

1. Not using the actual pattern. Perhaps not the wisest move, but we don’t have a printer and I wanted to get started. Next time I just might need to improve the neckline.

2. When I did get the template for the super symbols they were a bit small for my liking, so not having a photocopier to enlarge, I enlarged with free hand. I think it still turned out OK.

3. I know Superman typically has a red cape and doesn’t have a white and flouro orange symbol, but that was the only colours available at Spotlight, and since they were all on special (I think the cape probably cost me about $4) I decided to exercise artistic license in the name of frugality.

4. I didn’t aplique around the edges of the felt. It seemed like a waste of time, as I don’t think it’s going to come off. Plus once I start sewing, it could have possibly ended up worse rather than better.

5. I added two velcro fastners so it didn’t flap around.

So all in all, I’m pretty happy with myself! Isn’t there such a feeling of accomplishment when you complete something homemade? Even if it’s not perfect!

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  1. Yay for handmade stuff! My favourite item when I was little was a doll’s bed that the woman next door made from a shoe box. She sewed a tiny little blanket, but the rest was just lace glued on the cardboard. I didn’t care; I thought it was awesome.

  2. The cape looks great and is such a fun and meaningful gift! I am definitely putting this on my list of things to make when I learn to sew. (I just got my first sewing machine for Christmas.) I have lots of little nephews and cousins that would love a cape like this!

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