Some Things That Give Me Confidence About Being a Triplet Mum

Earlier this week I talked about things that terrified me about having triplets. It was only the start of the list, (!) but before I continue talking about the more concerning aspects, I’ll reflect on some areas where I feel prepared. That way, when I continue my concerns, you’ll be able to keep in mind that things are somewhat under control!

Oh, and how totally awesome is God? He really does know our needs and provides for us. Before I even wrote the last post, which outlined in quite some detail about my concern with keeping the house clean, he had provided. We have been ‘given’ a cleaner for a day a week! She is a lovely Korean young lady who started yesterday. It is such a relief that there will be at least one day a week where things will get caught up!

1. My Husband
If you are about to embark on a journey like this, it is highly preferable to have a husband who 100% supports you. The Accountant is just the man for the job! Sure, we bicker and have our squabbles. But at the end of the day, we know we love each other deeply and we’re both prepared to do what it takes to raise a godly family. I’m so grateful that our marriage is strong and that we have great communication skills with one another because I have no doubt that the foundations we have built will stand firm under the pressure this next year will inevitably bring.

2. My Family
My family totally rocks. They are so super supportive it makes me want to weep sometimes. We have the advantage of living in the same town as The Accountant’s mother, my parents, and my two sister’s. (As well as a plethora of aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents.) One of my sisters and my parents live within 10 minutes of us, which is extremely useful as they all help out so regularly. Plus it is completely thrilling for my boys that my sister is not only completely good value on her own accord, (which includes spoiling her nephews at will), comes packaged with a very cool uncle, (he has a boat even!), and 5 cousins they can happily play with for hours. Since we have been expecting, our family have all pitched in and taken the boys for plays so I can rest or helped out in the house. (My ironing pile has never looked so good since my Mother has taken authority over it.)

3. My Friends
I’ve got a great support network out there, and so many people have been generous offering to help out. I know the time is coming close to start calling in favours, and I have every confidence of the support my friends will be making meals, helping in the house, taking boys for playdates, nursing babies and other baby duties, etc. etc.

4. In Home Care
 In Australia, if you have multiples and three or more children under school age, you are eligible for in home care. Which is basically where day care comes to your house. It’s like having a day care Mum come to you rather than having to drop your children off. Since I have always wanted to be with my kids each day, this suits us tremendously well.

Because it is run through a local day care centre, we will receive government childcare benefits and rebates, which makes a huge difference, and why we will be able to afford it in the first place.

We feel blessed to have found a lady in our church who will come three days a week under this program. She’s a wonderfully compassionate lady who has successfully raised six children of her own, who all went to the same school as I did. Her eldest daughter and I were in Senior High together, then we were in the same couse together at university and then we even got a job in the same school during our first years of teaching! Her 2nd eldest daughter is one of my sister’s close friends. I feel so confident knowing that Mrs. S  is one of those people who will fit into our household routines, be a great assistance and not try to take over and do everything her way, although, I know I’ll be able to learn a lot from her also. She’s very gentle and full of grace and I know all my children will benefit from her care.

4. Home and Contents
I love our house. Sometimes I sit down at night and look around, and just feel so grateful that we are able to live in this place. It’s not a grandiose mansion, by any stretch of the imagination, however it’s quite new, so the maintenance is minimal and we have many of creature comforts like air conditioning and heating that makes life that little bit easier.

We have been gradually collecting all the necessary bits and pieces of furniture that we are going to need for our new family configuration. We have most baby rockers, swings, playmats, etc. now. (The baby shower was awesome for providing some of what we need.) Two more cots should arrive today, given to us by friends. (Then I’m going to have to really get serious about setting up the nursery, with a maximum of 10 weeks to go.) The boys have a new set of bunk beds, which they adore. Particularly J Boy, who sleeps on top. Toddler T is still miffed that he is denied access to the upper storey.

Our house will probably start to feel a bit smaller when we have a family of seven living within our walls, but lots of larger families have lived in houses which are a lot smaller. So in the meantimes, we’ll get creative with storage and put up with all the baby and child paraphanalia that fills every spare nook and cranny. Besides which it’s not the material posessions that make a home happy. I’m glad we’ve got the formulas in place for our house to be secure, warm and a safe place to live, because in a happy home resides happy hearts.

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  1. It’s great that you have people who love you who will support you. Remember – take it! Pride has no place in a family of seven. 😉

    So… is there any way I can get this home care thing without the part where I have to have triplets?

  2. Hi Caitlin,
    I found your blog from Esther’s and wanted to say hi as I have been keeping up with your posts on the triplets. Congratulations! How exciting! I am in Brassall, Ipswich and have boy/girl twins plus two singleton boys. Busy but wonderful times. We were actually at one of the parks in Toowoomba on the weekend.
    Out of interest which pram have you decided on?
    Best wishes to you and look forward to your coming posts.

  3. Hi again,
    I meant to ask about the home care. Can you tell me a bit about how it works and how to apply? I can honestly say I have never heard of it being available. Thanks, Michelle

  4. Hi Michelle!
    Wow – Lovely to hear from someone so close to where we live! My boys love the rail museum, so we make frequent visits to Ipswich to visit it also!

    I found out about in home care through word of mouth, I really don’t know how the government expects us to find out about these things. There should be a package given to you when you find out you’re pregnant with multiples outlining entitlements. I’ve also heard that Medicare will pay for a tummy tuck after multiples also, don’t know if it’s true, but I’ve filed it in my mind as useful info for later perhaps?

    Anyways, I think you would need to find a daycare provider who you could work with. If there isn’t any that you know of in Ipswich, maybe ring Kath Dickson’s in Toowoomba and ask for Stacey. If they can’t help you, maybe they can direct you where. K.D.’s do a lot of daycare Mum’s, so if there’s a local centre that specialises in that area, that’s where I’d first look.

    Enjoy the park on the weekend. Such beautiful weather for it!

    We got a triple ABC stroller 2nd hand. Great story, I’ll have to blog about it.


  5. Glad I can assist with the ironing! I remember both my Mums doing mine when you were little so what goes around comes around!

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