Let me tell you about my friend Letitia. Of all the women on the planet, she is one of the ones I most admire.
Letitia has invested her life to helping girls, although in reality, it’s far more than girls, because she doesn’t forget the girls have mothers, so she invests into female generations. But I think Tish’s biggest passion is to reach teenage girls. She loves them unconditionally and teaches them messages that they haven’t heard and values they have not been taught. It’s amazing in this day and age how many girls are trying to grow up as a complete person, yet have never been told they are valuable. Talk to Letitia and you will hear story after story of girls whose parents have told them they are worthless. Who live in the fear of domestic violence. Girls who look to the media for validation yet gain a warped perception of what they aren’t and are compelled to lower standards ever further to become what they are not. The girls try to cope but they are often sucked into a cycle of depression or eating disorder or have to deal with teen pregnancy.
Tish realises she cannot solve this problem on her own so has set up an organisation called City Women. Women from all over our city join a wide group of organisations all with the common aim of bringing good to our community. Communities rely on families and so much of what Tish does is building individuals and investing into families.
I went to school with Tish. I first met her in year 3. Tish is very sporty. I am not. In primary school we didn’t really mix in the same circles, even though our school was very small. She played sport with the older girls. I played make believe games with my age group and younger. It was in High School that I really started getting to know her. This was cemented during our youth group days and various missions trips to Fiji and The Philippines.
Tish and I turn 40 this year. While I have a vague idea in the back of my mind of a garden tea party, Tish has decided to do something amazing. She is riding her bike 40km for 40 days for her girls. Our girls. The girls that are our collective future. Each week she is focussing on a particular issue that effects women in our society. I have agreed to blog about these issues each week to raise awareness.
Tish is hoping that people will donate $40 towards her ride for our daughters. If you would like to contribute to changing our society. Please click on the links to donate.
What problems do you see with teenage girls that are growing up in our society?
Linking with IBOT and Essentially Jess.
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Wow that’s awesome that she is dong that. Good on you Tish.
Goodness, she is pretty inspiring. I love hearing about people that are girl champions!!! Good luck
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