My friend Juanita, from Wife Mumma Life, has been running an Activity and Photo Challenge in March.
I have done simple activities with the children, but it’s been nice looking for specific opportunities to participate in play, kind of gets us out of our comfort zone in a non stressful way. You can play too if you want, or feel free to follow our play on Instagram.
Day 1 – Painting.
The kids painted on an old door. (The other half of the door was being built in a tree above their heads as Jonty’s new treehouse!)
It started with two |
And then there was four. |
Before finally all five contributed! |
Day 2 – Um. We had a really busy Sunday with church, a party and then tired kids sleeping while big kids went to look at motorbikes with Daddy. No time to play with string!
Day 3 – Water Play
This was delightful. I just loved the way the play progressed on this day. I hadn’t decided what to do according to the prompt, “Water”. But the kids wanted to play outside, I said they could then opened the door for them while talking on the phone and realised it was raining. I shut the door, but it was too late. Their hearts were set on the outdoors. We put raincoats on (so cute!) and headed out. I figured at that point that technically I could claim this as water play. But once we got to the sand pit, I saw a watering can. Perfect. I filled it up and gave it to Immy. She adored tipping the water into the sand.
After finding a second watering can, they became happy filling the cans up over at the tap, and then traipsing over to the sandpit to empty it. I don’t know why the sandpit needed to be the empty spot!
Meanwhile Toby got bored (Typical of Toby) and started walking with the umbrella.
Their last play with water turned scientific as they watched carefully as they poured it down the slippery slide.
Day 5 – Chalk. Another missed day. It’s a lot harder to do this when you have been out during the day – and don’t have any chalk and no time to visit the shops. Serious lack of planning!
Day 5 – Explore
ing flowers on the way. The triplets normally are confined to a small fenced area, for obvious reasons. So when they get out in the larger garden, they love it.
Although you have to be very careful. It really is easy to lose them in our very large block. But altogether, it was a lovely little walk with them.
I’m glad we did it too, I discovered that a little pineapple had ripened in our very over grown weed garden vegie patch. Mind you, a possum had got to it first, but when we got back in the house, the rest of us enjoyed it. Incredibly sweet and very yummy!
There’s plenty of days left. Do you think you would like to join in the #wmlplayeachdaychallenge ? I’m loving that the prompts just make me think a little more, and even though I’m doing very easy things which fit easily into our days it’s getting out of our comfort zone and rejoicing in the importance play has during childhood.
Lovely photos! I particularly love the pineapples… very clever! I need to work on my photo taking abilities!! xx
Gorgeous photos!! I loved the one of them all sitting on the kitchen bench. Super cute! What a good idea to introduce play into the day. I used to do a lot more than I do now, my poor third bub, I rh should do more with her xxx
Most of these photos are just taken with my iPhone! I need to work on my photo taking abilities also! Especially taking my DSLR out of Auto when I use it!
It’s hard to do it when there’s more children and pressure in the equation. I’m finding that these prompts are great. And as you can see I keep it simple, but it’s making me be more thoughtful and looking for play opportunities, so I think it’s safe to say we are all loving the challenge!