So, I’m a bit all over the place at the moment with my posting, but it’s just a case of doing a post when I have time, and I just don’t have the time to post methodically at the moment.
Today, I thought I’d continue sharing some of the professional photos by Salt Studios when the triplets were newborns. Already I’ve shared some of the triplets together. (See here)
Now I thought I should share some family pictures back when the triplets were 5 weeks old. I love J Boy’s expressions – so cute. When T-Star has his cheeky little grins. Also so cute. And our teeny tiny triplets. So cute. Of course.
We have every reason to be the proud parents!
Your family is beautiful, Caitlin! All of you.
It’s very inspiring seeing happy moments of family like these. Great and loving parents, wonderful kids. A picture of happy family. The beauty of life depict on your family. A family that prays together, stays together. God Bless to your family.
To repeat a phrase! So Cute!