Yesterday I shared J Boy’s triplet name suggestion was ‘Pingo’. It just keeps getting better. He is still suggesting Pingo, but has also brought another name to the table. ‘Pingi’. Of course I expected his third name offering to be something like ‘Pingu’. But no, if anything, J Boy is not predictable. He thinks that we should have Pingo, Pingi and … ‘Sixo’.
I know???? Makes no sense. But when you are four, things don’t need to make sense.
I have decided to compromise with him. I have said that if we are naming a new dog or cat, (of which I have a desire to acquire neither), then we would consider Pingo or Pingi. He didn’t seem to notice that I had left Sixo out of the equation.
Matching the triplet’s Christian names is not on my agenda. The other day I saw two American twins on Dr. Oz. Their names were ‘Lovey’ and ‘Dovey’. I have to say I cringed. I mean, Lovey and Dovey both seemed to be lovely women. But I’d love to (or perhaps not) know what was their mother’s logic while naming them. Of course The Accountant and I joke about it. How about for girls, ‘Rose, Lily and Dahlia’ or boys, The Accountant’s fav. is ‘Huey, Duey and Louey’? Or we could rhyme, how about, ‘Ryan, Brian and Kyan’ or ‘Holly, Molly & Polly’?
Or what about these names registered in the top 10 of twin names submitted to the US Social Security Administration in 2010. ‘London & Paris’, ‘Heaven & Nevaeh’ (Heaven spelt backwards), ‘Mia & Mya’, ‘Caleb & Joshua’ or ‘Taylor and Tyler.’ I mean they aren’t necessarily bad names, but surely your tongue must get twisted sometimes. Especially if you are really mad…
Anyway, I should stop. Chances are if they are in the top 10 list somebody may read it who has chosen the names. Whoops, sorry, freedom of speech and all that…
The Accountant never takes name choosing seriously, if he ever picks up a book, he always reads out the most awful possible names, like Bertha or Agnes, Harold or Rommel.
Has anyone got some hilarious triplet name suggestions for us to rival J Boy’s (I know, tall order) and keep The Accountant full of quips?