Broken Eggshells Easter Collage

Last Easter we completed an Easter craft activity today that had been over a year in the making. Generally we don’t walk on eggshells around here, we’re pretty much a straight shooting family. However last year I did go through a stage of saving eggshells, with the plan of doing an awesome art activity. Eggshell collages of Easter eggs!

Broken Eggshell Collage

It takes a long time to collect enough egg shells for five children to smash! Luckily I like baking! Every time I broke an egg I would gently wash the shells (the shells stored better clean) and store them in a bowl.

Broken Egg Shells for kids craft

By the time I collected enough egg shells that I thought would be sufficient for all the kids to have a good time, we were in the middle of moving house. Finally we were settled enough to let the children have some fun smashing! (Look how small they were!)


This was a great sensory experience for the babies. The older boys also loved it too. In fact, it kind of suits all age groups! I kind of like the feeling of smashing the eggshells myself! Of course it was completely messy, but that’s just the sign of a good time, right?

Twin boys crushing egg shells

Once the eggshells were broken we soaked the shells in food colouring. You need to add quite a bit of dye to soak into the shell. We also left it soak for quite some time – several hours in fact.

Dying Eggshells
I’m not sure what Trent was upset about, but isn’t he a good little blogger’s son taking a picture for me.

Then it was time to dry the shells out on paper towels. We stored them in zip lock bags until we were ready to collage.

dyed eggshells drying

As you can tell from the differences of age in the next series of pictures, we kept them stored in those zip lock bags for quite some time! We did use them in other craft activities, but I really wanted to use them on an Easter activity, and didn’t feel like saving eggshells again! It just seemed right to use them at Easter!

After all the hard work getting the eggshells, the craft was quite simple. I drew a (wonky) egg shape and let the children glue the eggshells onto it.
Easter Egg Eggshell Collage
It was actually quite complex trying to get the two year olds to glue in colour groupings. Jonty and  Toby did a fantastic job though. (The others had a wonderful time glueing with gay abandon.) I can never quite get Toby. I so often think he has poor concentration, but then he gets into something, and he will far outshine the others.
Collaging Easter Eggs Child's easter craft with broken eggshells Collage Easter Eggshells
Toby also glued eggshells onto a cross and talked about the cross being the most important symbol of Easter for Christians. (The other children were quite content just colouring their crosses.
Easter collage of cross with eggshells
If you would like to read some Christian Easter books to teach your child about Easter as you craft, check out my post reviewing Easter Books from Koorong.
This was a delightful long term craft project. If we do it again, it will be better co-ordinated and won’t stretch over two years! It was messy, but it was such a great experience on so many levels, creativity, sensory, patterning, fine motor skills, patience, etc. that I think it was certainly worthwhile.
Easter Collage using eggshells hanging on wall
Do you think you would be able to save eggshells for a craft activity? Do you have other ideas of what could be done with the broken eggshells? Believe it or not, I still have a few zip lock bags left. I should finish it off and make it a three year art project!

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