A Case of Mistaken Identity

On Sunday morning I had the child dressing production line in full swing, decking the children out in their Sunday best.

I was rather enthralled watching the morning TV as I grabbed a baby and started dressing the bub as it compliantly sat on my lap. When I was all finished, (shoes and all, which is an accomplishment for me, shoes can be such a bother), I called out for Missy, who was supposed to be next on the triplet dressing production line. I was totally shocked that  the “boy” I had just dressed looked up expectantly!

Whoops! I dressed my darling girl in her brother’s clothes!

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But somehow. I didn’t think she minded all that much. She’s already a fan of boys toys.

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Don’t worry. She went to church dressed as a girl! 
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And truly, as much as I love little boys clothes, it is just a delight dressing my little girl in pretty clothes.
What mistake have you made lately that made you smile?

Today I’m linking with With Some Grace for:

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  1. A gorgeous girl in either outfit. I have trouble dressing one boy let alone triplets and two other children – I’m hoping my teen can now dress herself (but she takes much, much longer now).

    I forgot to remind my husband about my son’s pick up time from Pre-School a few weeks ago (I couldn’t drive and it wasn’t part of the usual routine)- he made it but it was close. Still it felt like “bad parenting” (as my son has learned to say).

  2. This is so funny!

    Thanks for following my blog. I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus too because it’s telling me I’m out of storage space too. Does it still tell you that?

    1. Yes I did Michelle. SOOOOOOO frustrating. I’m going to move over to WordPress when I have the time. Sick of blogger messing up too often. For now, I’m using flickr but it is so time consuming…. I’ve heard this is a blogger problem that they are supposedly fixing. I heard that 2 or 3 weeks ago though, so I’m not holding my breath.

  3. This is hilarious! You are my hero! I don’t know how you do it. I struggle with my 2 (13 months and 2.5 years). I have a twin sister- but we were identical and were often dressed identically, so even if we got mixed up, it wouldn’t have made a difference – although our toes were painted different colours so people would know which one we were.

  4. Haha! Love it! I mistake my identical twin boys ALL THE TIME! Even after I’ve dressed them in different clothes, I still get them muddled up! Sounds like you have your hands full with 5 children…but also a lot of fun too! 🙂 x

    1. Oh, I’m glad someone else mixes up kids. (Although normally it’s pretty easy to tell the girl apart with one girl and four boys in the family!) There are some days though where I just keep mixing up the identical boys.

  5. Caitlin that is hilarious! Thanks for the giggle!
    My brain is so fried after my second week back at work that I honestly cannot remember a mistake that made me giggle! I can hardly remember what I had for lunch. x

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